The name "Piet Mondrian" will surely be familiar to you. The artist is famous for his works of art with abstract shapes, black lines and primary colors. But did you know that this Dutch artist was born in Amersfoort? Since 1994, his birthplace has been open to the public and turned into a museum: the Mondrian House. In the museum you will get to know the man behind the works of art and find out how he came to his distinctive art. In this blog, I'll tell you why you'll want to visit the Mondrian House too....


The historical museum

Het Mondriaanhuis telraam en tijdlijn in het museum
The Mondrian House can be found in the vibrant and cozy center of our city. Not only is the museum itself a picture, but also the historic buildings around it. Immediately outside, you are transported into the Mondrian atmosphere by the special monument near the canal fence. The monument 'abacus' was designed by Frank Halmans, and reminds you of Piet Mondrian's childhood. In addition, it refers to the school where his father was head teacher.

The abacus has beads in the typical Mondrian colors. Interestingly, the artwork also has one gold-colored bead, which mentions that Mondrian spent his childhood here. It is definitely worth walking past this monument before you enter the Mondrian House!

The man behind the abstract artworks

Mondriaanhuis video-installatie Piet Mondriaan nadenken
The museum lets you travel with Mondrian from Amersfoort to Winterswijk, from Amsterdam through Paris to London and finally to New York. Visit the full-size reconstructed studio, where you can see how the Amersfoort-born artist lived in Paris. One of the most special spaces if you ask me, because you experience the world through Mondrian's eyes. I was expecting a messy and colorful studio. Whether my assumptions were correct? Of course, you have to go discover that for yourself.... ;-)

No matter how often you visit the museum, the Mondrian House continues to surprise you. It regularly features a new exhibition of work by artists who were inspired by the co-founder of De Style.

Surprising and realistic works of art

Mondriaanhuis realistische kunstwerken Mondriaan
Hanging in the museum are several works of art, created by Mondrian in his younger years, that you would not have immediately expected to find behind him. Realistic landscapes and portraits. I immediately got a different picture of the artist, whom I knew almost exclusively through his abstract compositions. The cool thing about the Mondrian House is that you can admire the transformation of his work up close. For example, one of the rooms has a timeline on the wall with all the work he painted during that period. Tip: you can also see Mondrian's artistic development in a unique video installation.

Tours and workshops

Mondriaanhuis met video-installatie
I took a tour of the museum and recommend you do the same if you can again. Why. You get to be active: look at works of art, discuss them and ask questions. That's the best way to get to know Piet Mondrian and, of course, that's what you ultimately come for. Do you feel like following another activity after the tour? The Mondrian House offers all kinds of things. Various (creative) workshops, lectures and artist talks. For example, follow an online painting workshop!

Plop down in the Mondrian café

Mondrian café in Amersfoort

Photo: Mike Bink

Need to unwind after all those impressions? Fortunately, the Mondrian House has a super cozy café. You can come here for a hot or cold drink or a quick snack. So you can return home feeling satisfied.

Did you get excited?

High time to plan your visit to the Mondrian House. Order your ticket(s) through this link and embark on a journey of discovery through the wonderful museum. Lots of viewing pleasure!

Address: Kortegracht 11, 3811 KG Amersfoort