Although stamppot is known as a typical winter dish, you can of course enjoy it all year round. But where can you actually get the most delicious stamppot in Amersfoort? We asked this question on our Facebook page. These are your favorites and I understand why.

Mash royale

Stampot cafe de noot
Café Restaurant De Noot from Hoogland was mentioned en masse. And after I looked at the menu I understand. They have a wide choice, generous dishes, special stews and veggie options. You can order the classic kale with bacon, fried bacon and sausage. But also an oriental stew with pak choi and marinated pork tenderloin strips. Or a forgotten vegetable stew with turnip, parsnip, celeriac and hachee. As a veggie option, you can choose a veggie ball with your stew or go for a veggie dish of roasted beet with feta, walnuts and pesto. Yum!

Compose your own meal

Stampot zelf maken
At Wit-Lof , in addition to the stews on the menu, you can put together your own mash-up in their winter stew bar. How to do that? You can choose from different toppings for each stew (kale, stew, sweet potato broccoli). Whether meat, cheese or veggie. For the real gourmands among us; you can order an extra ball of minced meat, smoked sausage or vegetarian smoked sausage. And for the complete nostalgic used-to-be-at-home feeling, order warm stewed pears of course!

Good to know: in February, Wit-Lof will have a new menu again!

The Primitive Dutch Trio

Stampot trio
Each week at SEM Sla En Meer you can sample a different stew. They alternate between the ancient Dutch favorites; sauerkraut, kale and endive. Delicious with bacon, smoked sausage, meatball, chicken/vegan or goat cheese. If you ask nicely they will add some extra vegetables. And they have delicious homemade pies at SEM. Just saying...

Vegetables in the lead role

Stampot lokaal
At Het Lokaalthey have something other than the familiar classics. How about beet stew, winter vegetable stew or a leek stew? When ordering, specify if you want smoked sausage, stew, meatball or the vegan Zwamboon with it. Are you a real vegetable monster? Then don't order anything, because that's okay too.

So when it comes to stew, there is plenty to choose from in Amersfoort. Keep that winter weather coming!

This blog is part of a series on good local food in Amersfoort. We regularly solicit the culinary expertise of real keientrekkers for this purpose. Would you like to contribute as well? Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram page!

Are we still missing a tasty stew maker?

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