KOOS Hair Shop

Take a look in advance

In 2020, KOOS Haarwinkel was named the nicest hair salon in Amersfoort. We received this award through an election and besides receiving the most votes in the municipality of Amersfoort, we also received a Gold Award with an average rating of 9.5. A coveted public award and a nice token of appreciation that we are proud of! What underlies this? The ideas of Koos as the foundation of our method and a team with passion for the hairdressing profession with heart for her commitment to every customer happy to go out the door.

About KOOS Hair Shop

Koos was the owner of this sal...

In 2020, KOOS Haarwinkel was named the nicest hair salon in Amersfoort. We received this award through an election and besides receiving the most votes in the municipality of Amersfoort, we also received a Gold Award with an average rating of 9.5. A coveted public award and a nice token of appreciation that we are proud of! What underlies this? The ideas of Koos as the foundation of our method and a team with passion for the hairdressing profession with heart for her commitment to every customer happy to go out the door.

About KOOS Hair Shop

Koos was from 2001 the owner of this salon, formerly Flair Hairfashion. With her commitment and personal approach, she managed to make Flair Hairfashion a household name in Amersfoort. But on May 5, 2016, she unfortunately passed away. The hair salon remained in the family and daughter Merel decided in 2018 to give the salon a total makeover. A new interior and a new name; KOOS Haarwinkel. A tribute to her mother Koos and as she herself always called the salon, 'her store'.

Our working method

We will always continue to work from the philosophy of Koos. Involved and personal with attention for you and the world around us. Glitter, glamour, top models... nice, but we prefer to get our inspiration from you. Your face, your character and your lifestyle. In short: everything that colors your pure personality. We are curious about your wishes and are happy to give advice on which model, hair color and styling suits you best. We do not only want to make you more beautiful, but also the world. At KOOS Hair Shop we strive for a sustainable business. Care for hair, people & planet!

Your personal pampering moment

Besides your unique look, we see an appointment at KOOS Hair Shop as your personal moment of pampering. We want you to really enjoy yourself. For example during the relaxing wax massage, a good cup of tea/coffee with something tasty, the latest glossy magazines or just a pleasant conversation. We find it important that you leave the salon relaxed and cheerful with beautiful and fresh hair that is easy to style!
