Again in 2023, you can walk a digital Tour of the City. There are no less than 3 routes! Each of the routes takes you along the cultural parties and beautiful places that Amersfoort is rich. So choose a route, walk, scan and enjoy what Amersfoort has to offer in terms of art and culture!


Collection of route booklet


Rondje van de Stad is an initiative of Theater Group the Lazy Dogs and is made possible in part by its partners.




Which route do you choose? - Or walk them all, of course!



Pick up route book at VVV Amersfoort

The Rondje van de Stad is available as a physical booklet from VVV Amersfoort, make sure you have a QR code scanner (smartphone camera). Each route is about 4 kilometers a takes 2 hours.

Along the way you will learn about the various locations you encounter and enjoy a surprising 'Culture Catcher'. This way you immediately discover what cultural Amersfoort has to offer. In short: a unique voyage of discovery guaranteed!

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To VVV Amersfoort