Toys (7+) - Mr. Monster


Coninckstraat 60
3811 WK Amersfoort
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Toys is a new - unmissable - theatrical adventure from Mr. Monster.
Welcome to the playground of an 8-year-old child: cars, action man, green soldiers, a glitter rainbow unicorn, a dino, a my little pony fantasy castle, three tanks and one barbie in distress.

A UFO makes a rough landing in an unknown universe. From the smoldering remains steps our intrepid hero Captain Spaceman.He has an important mission: to explore the new world where he and his toy friends will soon come to live. The chaos he finds there he tries with all his might to organize.But that is not at all what the original toys are waiting for....

Mr. Monster invites you into a world where toys come to life.An adventurous family show about toys discovering what they are made of.

About Mr. Monster

Mr. ...

Toys is a new - unmissable - theatrical adventure from Mr. Monster.
Welcome to the playground of an 8-year-old child: cars, action man, green soldiers, a glitter rainbow unicorn, a dino, a my little pony fantasy castle, three tanks and one barbie in distress.

A UFO makes a rough landing in an unknown universe. From the smoldering remains steps our intrepid hero Captain Spaceman.He has an important mission: to explore the new world where he and his toy friends will soon come to live. The chaos he finds there he tries with all his might to organize.But that is not at all what the original toys are waiting for....

Mr. Monster invites you into a world where toys come to life.An adventurous family show about toys discovering what they are made of.

About Mr. Monster

Mister Monster makes cartoonish, quirky and visual action theater and is known for hit shows such as Lucky Luuk, The Gruffalo, About a Little Mole... and The Insane Tree House of 13 Floors.Their work won them a Silver Cricket and the ZAPP theater award.



  • from € 17.50 to € 23.50 Additional costs: € 1 administrative fee per ticket with a maximum of € 5 per order. Unguarded checkroom and use of the water and lemonade bar are included in the entrance fee.
