If Things Run Different | The Wooden House | Plan d- | Club Guy & Roni - Spring Outings


Coninckstraat 60
3811 WK Amersfoort
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Anyone can end up here, my father says. He fills out an endless stack of forms and I have to be quiet. It's been at least a hundred and ten hours. There is a high desk, with two blue latex hands behind it. They tell us what to do, but I don't understand.

People come and go. A girl on an IV dances so lightly, I think she can fly. The boy just sitting next to me has no arms and legs, but he can do anything.
There is a woman with such a heavy, big head that she almost falls over.

You can also get lost here. Down the corridor walks an old man. You can laugh with him; he has forgotten that he has been coming here for years. In his eyes float summer clouds.
And I, I'm g...

Anyone can end up here, my father says. He fills out an endless stack of forms and I have to be quiet. It's been at least a hundred and ten hours. There is a high desk, with two blue latex hands behind it. They tell us what to do, but I don't understand.

People come and go. A girl on an IV dances so lightly, I think she can fly. The boy just sitting next to me has no arms and legs, but he can do anything.
There is a woman with such a heavy, big head that she almost falls over.

You can also get lost here. Down the corridor walks an old man. You can laugh with him; he has forgotten that he has been coming here for years. In his eyes float summer clouds.
And me, I'm just different. That's just fine, my father says. So much is already the same.

The musical performance If it goes differently is about a waiting room where no one wants to be. Where the walls move, people falter and yet remain strong.



  • €20.00 Additional cost: €1 administration fee per ticket with a maximum of €5 per order. Unattended checkroom and use of the water and lemonade bar are included in the ticket price. A junior adventure price of €12.50 for everyone up to 18 years old applies for this performance.
