A mountain runs by (8+)

This is the monumental story of how our earth is constantly in motion, told through a huge backdrop of cardboard rivers, clouds and trees. In There Runs a Mountain Past, forests crawl across the stage, mountains crumble into beaches and the moon dances a waltz with the sea, while a four-voice choir makes the sound of creaking rocks and chirping birds.

Immerse yourself in an immense landscape painting brought to life that makes you think on a different time scale. From the birth of the moon, past the first alga coming ashore, to the extinction of man and even beyond....

"The show outlines the hist...

This is the monumental story of how our earth is constantly in motion, told through a huge backdrop of cardboard rivers, clouds and trees. In There Runs a Mountain Past, forests crawl across the stage, mountains crumble into beaches and the moon dances a waltz with the sea, while a four-voice choir makes the sound of creaking rocks and chirping birds.

Immerse yourself in an immense landscape painting brought to life that makes you think on a different time scale. From the birth of the moon, past the first alga coming ashore, to the extinction of man and even beyond....

"The performance delineates Earth's history in geological movements and biological evolutions through ever-changing scenography and a soundscape produced by the four brilliant performers exclusively with their own vocal chords. The result is one of the most exciting post-anthropocentric performances I have ever seen, and manages to make 4.54 billion years of history feel both awe-inspiringly memorable and movingly intimate." - said Marijn Lems, theater critic in a personal capacity.

