Holland Opera makes opera for young and old.

This coming Christmas vacation, Holland Opera, together with the dancers and puppeteers of Duda Paiva Company and the musicians of New European Ensemble, will perform: Reinaert de V. A topical performance about perhaps the most famous villain in Dutch history.

Holland Opera produces an annual family performance that can be seen during the Christmas vacations at the Veerensmederij in Amersfoort. Holland Opera also has name recognition thanks to its location operas in and around Utrecht. Recent performance titles include: Odiezee, Ruimtevlucht, Divorce of Figaro and Roodhapje.


Holland Opera performs an average of four productions per season: a traveling youth opera for the center stage, a Christmas performance for the whole family in the Amersfoort Veerensmederij, a Trial in which new creators explore the genre of youth opera, and (lifeless) opera in unusual locations such as forts, factories, museums and parking garages.

Per se...

Holland Opera makes opera for young and old.

This coming Christmas vacation, Holland Opera, together with the dancers and puppeteers of Duda Paiva Company and the musicians of New European Ensemble, will perform: Reinaert de V. A topical performance about perhaps the most famous villain in Dutch history.

Holland Opera produces an annual family performance that can be seen during the Christmas vacations at the Veerensmederij in Amersfoort. Holland Opera also has name recognition thanks to its location operas in and around Utrecht. Recent performance titles include: Odiezee, Ruimtevlucht, Divorce of Figaro and Roodhapje.


Holland Opera performs an average of four productions per season: a traveling youth opera for the center stage, a Christmas performance for the whole family in the Amersfoort Veerensmederij, a Trial in which new creators explore the genre of youth opera, and (lifeless) opera in unusual locations such as forts, factories, museums and parking garages.

Per season, 100 performances are performed for 25,000 visitors. Holland Opera focuses emphatically on youth, giving children from diverse backgrounds access to opera and music. These performances connect and enthuse through active educational projects, and are primarily conceived from the experiences of children and young people.
