The Green House

Take a look in advance

The Green House

The Green House is from the municipality of Amersfoort for the residents of Amersfoort to gain inspiration or knowledge about nature and sustainability. At this inspiring location, all green and sustainable organizations can meet and everyone inside can gain information about the nature of Amersfoort. Moreover, Het Groene Huis is located on the beautiful Schothorst estate where everyone is welcome for a relaxing nature walk. In addition, the CNME, (center for nature and environmental education) part of Department of Living and Working Climate of the Municipality of Amersfoort, is housed in Het Groene Huis.

The medieval yard The Mountain Camp

The Schothorst estate is home to the Medieval Erf. There you will find an early medieval farmhouse reconstructed in the traditional manner after an excavation of a farm from Dorestad/ Wijk bij Duurstede.

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The Green House

The Green House is from the municipality of Amersfoort for the residents of Amersfoort to gain inspiration or knowledge about nature and sustainability. At this inspiring location, all green and sustainable organizations can meet and everyone inside can gain information about the nature of Amersfoort. Moreover, Het Groene Huis is located on the beautiful Schothorst estate where everyone is welcome for a relaxing nature walk. In addition, the CNME, (center for nature and environmental education) part of Department of Living and Working Climate of the Municipality of Amersfoort, is housed in Het Groene Huis.

The medieval yard The Mountain Camp

The Schothorst estate is home to the Medieval Erf. There you will find an early medieval farmhouse reconstructed in the traditional manner after an excavation of a farm from Dorestad/ Wijk bij Duurstede.

Regular activities at the Medieval Erf include Viking Weekends and Sibbe Sundays. Volunteers make peasant history come alive on these days. Dressed in period costumes, they demonstrate various crafts. Check the Agenda for the dates when the medievalists are present and experience for yourself how they lived in the Middle Ages!

The Nature Playground

Park Schothorst's nature playground is the largest nature playground in Amersfoort. Accompanied children are welcome to play between sunrise and sunset. The playground includes a climbing-balancing apparatus, a tunnel, two water pumps and a sandy area. So be sure to bring your bucket and shovel. There are also plenty of places to build huts! From grassy area with two benches there is a view of horse field. The nature playground is located on the side of the Duivensteeg, on the west side of the estate in Park Schothorst. Parking is free in front of The Green House, but please come walking or biking. Toilets are nearby in Het Groene Huis, and you can also go there for first aid during opening hours.

*This location is part of the Grebbelinie route. Play the video if you are on location: https: //

Opening hours

  • Daily until May 31, 2025 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Schothorst Estate is open daily between sunrise and sunset. The Medieval Yard is open Wednesdays and Sundays from 1-7 p.m. From October through April, the Medieval Yard is closed on Sundays unless there are Sibbe and/or Viking weekends.
