Ice cream parlor San Marco

Take a look in advance

For thirty years San Marco has been a little piece of Italy in Amersfoort. A place where you already taste 'la dolce vita' in all its delicacies. And the assortment is still changing. New flavors, an even more creative layout of ice cream cakes, other chocolates: come taste the real Italy in Amersfoort!

Preparing ice cream is not a trade. If you want to do it well, it's a passion. It is a passion vo...

For thirty years San Marco has been a little piece of Italy in Amersfoort. A place where you already taste 'la dolce vita' in all its delicacies. And the assortment is still changing. New flavors, an even more creative layout of ice cream cakes, other chocolates: come taste the real Italy in Amersfoort!

Preparing ice cream is not a trade. If you want to do it well, it's a passion. It is a passion for unknown, surprising recipes. A passion for the tastiest ingredients from all over the world. And a passion for presenting all the different flavors in a mouth-watering way. At San Marco, you taste that passion in every taste. Or, as owner Gian Maria da Fies himself says, "My passion is improving the quality of my products every day. I love improvising, trying new things and surprising people with new flavors and products.'

 A new flavor every week

What ice cream parlor has yet another delectable new flavor waiting every week? Exactly, at San Marco. Il Gusto Particolare" is the name of that new variety. And every week Gian Maria promises his customers a voyage of discovery through ice cream paradise. Because he not only uses "standard" ingredients like fruit for ice cream, but also unusual ones. Ever had ice cream with vegetables? Or with herbs? At San Marco, it's possible!
