Soesterberg Air Base Park


Verlengde Paltzerweg 1
3768 MX Soest
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Take a look in advance

Learn about the history, military objects and special nature. Experience the expansive view from the runway and enjoy the special nature. Feel the threat of the cold war as you walk past the military buildings. Park Vliegbasis Soesterberg is a unique area, a treasure chamber full of surprises. Discover the former airbase on foot or by bicycle, on your own or accompanied by a guide. Starting point of excursions and marked walking routes is the information center Park Vliegbasis Soesterberg.

In the hall of the National Military Museum (NMM) sits the information center of Park Vliegbasis Soesterberg and the Utrecht Heuvelrug. The information center playfully reveals the secrets of Park Vliegbasis Soesterberg. Open: Tue-Sun 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Also open on Mondays during vacations. Admission to the info center is free.

The Park is da...

Learn about the history, military objects and special nature. Experience the expansive view from the runway and enjoy the special nature. Feel the threat of the cold war as you walk past the military buildings. Park Vliegbasis Soesterberg is a unique area, a treasure chamber full of surprises. Discover the former airbase on foot or by bicycle, on your own or accompanied by a guide. Starting point of excursions and marked walking routes is the information center Park Vliegbasis Soesterberg.

In the hall of the National Military Museum (NMM) sits the information center of Park Vliegbasis Soesterberg and the Utrecht Heuvelrug. The information center playfully reveals the secrets of Park Vliegbasis Soesterberg. Open: Tue-Sun 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Also open on Mondays during vacations. Admission to the info center is free.

The Park is freely accessible daily between sunrise and sunset. The runway is closed to the public during the breeding season (March 15 through August 15). Dogs are not allowed on Park Vliegbasis Soesterberg, not even on a leash.
