The Civil Orphanage


Zuidsingel 25
3811 HB Amersfoort
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In 1551, St. Nicholas Orphanage was established. 60 years later a better place was found: the now abandoned Mariënhof monastery.

The name changed to 'Stadskinderhuys' - to indicate that it was intended for poor orphans, children of deceased Amersfoorters - and later to 'Het Borgerweeshuys'. The abandoned buildings were made suitable to accommodate poor, sick, orphans. Such an institution was run by the regents. Often their wives, daughters or sons did so for an annual fee paid by the city government! The boardroom of the Civil Orphanage, the regents' room, is now a part of Living History (only in July and August & during Open Monument Days) at the Civil Orphanage.
