Take a look in advance

The Inn is situated above Café Onder de Linde. The Café is located in three smaller national monuments that have become one building: Groenmarkt 9 and Appelmarkt 15 and 16. The three buildings were built around 1530, after the great downtown Amersfoort fire of 1520.

The Inn's central location, behind the centuries-old St George's Church, offers many opportunities for the foodies who stay with us. The historic downtown is filled with a wide variety of culinary offerings for all courses of the day.

Amersfoort's bustling downtown attracts many visitors from shoppers and people of the good life who perch on the many terraces. So be aware that with a lively city center comes the necessary commotion and noise in our Inn is inevitable.


  • 2 nights € 1,000,00
    3 nights € 1.450,00
    4 nights € 1.900,00
    5 nights € 2.350,00
    6 nights € 2.800,00
    7 nights € 3,200,00
