Angel Castle

High in the mountains lies Angel Castle, an abandoned sanitarium where a mysterious nurse cares for everyone who knocks at the door. The sick, the wounded, the lifeless and those who simply want to vent their hearts. With open arms they are welcomed by her. When the influx of people in need of care suddenly swells, even the nurse threatens to succumb. Until a miracle happens...

Golden Palace has been making magical-physical theater for more than twenty years and, according to the Volkskrant, does so "razor-sharp, humorous and with the eye of an excellent anthropologist." Everything that remains unspoken accumulates until it finds an outlet in physical magnification. Tragicomic and a touch surreal and recognizable because it deals with human needs. The cinematic atmosphere and urgent theme of Angel Castle made the performance a great success in 2022. Reason for a reprise.


  • Saturday, September 21, 2024 8 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.Buy tickets
