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Taste Amersfoort

Take a look in advance

Proef Amersfoort is a wonderful culinary 5 day, free to attend, event in Amersfoort and represents the place to meet in a unique setting where regional restaurants put their very best foot forward. Proef has been a household name for 25 years in and around Amersfoort, with 40,000 visitors on and around the weekend of Ascension, and since 2018, at the Oliemolenhof in De Nieuwe Stad!

Proef Amersfoort offers the region's restaurateurs a stage to give visitors a peek into the kitchen.

Admission to Proef Amersfoort is FREE May 8 & 9 to 12. (May 8 is possible through the PartnerPackage; see website Proef).
Payments for the dishes and drinks (also on the VoorProefAvond) only take place in 'Keitjes', through a credit on the ProefPas.
One Keitje costs € 1.28. To upgrade, scan the QR code on the ProefPas and pay directly via iDeal.


Proef Amersfoort is a wonderful culinary 5 day, free to attend, event in Amersfoort and represents the place to meet in a unique setting where regional restaurants put their very best foot forward. Proef has been a household name for 25 years in and around Amersfoort, with 40,000 visitors on and around the weekend of Ascension, and since 2018, at the Oliemolenhof in De Nieuwe Stad!

Proef Amersfoort offers the region's restaurateurs a stage to give visitors a peek into the kitchen.

Admission to Proef Amersfoort is FREE May 8 & 9 to 12. (May 8 is possible through the PartnerPackage; see website Proef).
Payments for the dishes and drinks (also on the VoorProefAvond) only take place in 'Keitjes', through a credit on the ProefPas.
One Keitje costs € 1.28. To upgrade, scan the QR code on the ProefPas and pay directly via iDeal.

No pass? You can buy one at the ticket office in Oliemolenhof.A new ProefPas costs a one-time fee of one keitje (i.e. €1.28).
'Old passes' must be exchanged at the ticket office starting in 2024. Credits are immediately converted to the current number of keits. You can also still load credit on the Trial Pass in cash or with your debit card, at the cash register.

NOTE: There is always a 1 keitje service fee when you top up. This covers the transaction fees and usage costs, among other things.


  • Invited guests only on May 8


  • Free
