Battlefield of Dreams

Battlefield of Dreams deals with one of the greatest existential questions of our time: to reproduce or not to reproduce?

Our uteruses are the most political organs we have. Although the uterus is hidden deep in our stomach, it also seems to be common property. Power is exercised over it, rights are claimed over it, and most importantly, everyone has an opinion on whether and how we use it. This is especially true when it comes to abortions and fertility procedures such as IVF. But unless you experience them up close, you can never imagine how impactful these experiences are both psychologically and physically. The pain, shame or perhaps joy they cause.

That's why Battl...

Battlefield of Dreams deals with one of the greatest existential questions of our time: to reproduce or not to reproduce?

Our uteruses are the most political organs we have. Although the uterus is hidden deep in our stomach, it also seems to be common property. Power is exercised over it, rights are claimed over it, and most importantly, everyone has an opinion on whether and how we use it. This is especially true when it comes to abortions and fertility procedures such as IVF. But unless you experience them up close, you can never imagine how impactful these experiences are both psychologically and physically. The pain, shame or perhaps joy they cause.

Therefore, Battlefield of Dreams transforms the theater into a fertility and abortion clinic where fiction and reality intersect. Battlefield of Dreams shows the invisible and unheard stories about the "to be or not to be's" we carry with us. Both ends of the spectrum, abortion and IVF, are shown together on stage from different starting points.


  • Sold Out Wednesday, April 9, 2025 8:15 - 10 p.m.Buy tickets
