Henry IV (8+)

Henry IV is a performance that could get out of hand at any moment.

A story that begins with a king. The king is crazy, but he is the boss. If he wants a world with only pizza Hawaii, then there will only be pizza Hawaii. It's that simple. Today he will make the impossible possible in The Great King Henry Show. According to The Office, Henry IV is unsuitable for children. Action must be taken. But the show has already begun and no one knows exactly what is yet to come.

Henry IV is a remake of the successful show...

Henry IV is a performance that could get out of hand at any moment.

A story that begins with a king. The king is crazy, but he is the boss. If he wants a world with only pizza Hawaii, then there will only be pizza Hawaii. It's that simple. Today he will make the impossible possible in The Great King Henry Show. According to The Office, Henry IV is unsuitable for children. Action must be taken. But the show has already begun and no one knows exactly what is yet to come.

Henry IV is a remake of director Sanne Nouws' successful 2017 performance. Now, seven years later, this performance is more topical than ever. With great bravura and energetic acting, House of Nouws messes with the rules of the game. We present our audience with questions like: which truth do you want to believe in? And: which voice can we best listen to?

