The Greatest Magic Show (6+)

Honored audience! Welcome to The Greatest Magic Show, a dazzling performance featuring none other than the most famous magicians in the entire living room: the Caspaar brothers and Domingo! Like accomplished illusionists they conjure invisible rabbits out of their hats, saw a family member of their choice in half and make imaginary elephants disappear. De Toneelmakerij and Bijlmer Parktheater present a dazzling magic show as a metaphor for the magic of life: big questions and well-considered twists of thought playfully pass in review in a light-hearted circus atmosphere.A musical adventure full of magic acts.

When something disappears, where does it stay? And if it never comes back, do you miss it? When the eldest brother conjures his younger brother to the place where all the missing things are, they make a remarkable discovery. Besides the magic wand, the bami ladle and the spare car key, there's a little brother there, too. But of course that's impossible, because there isn't another little brother. Right?

