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The New Boy

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In 1940s Australia, in the midst of World War II, an indigenous boy is dramatically captured by a...

In 1940s Australia in the midst of World War II, an indigenous boy is dramatically captured by a police patrol on horseback and delivered in a sack to a remote convent orphanage in the dead of night. The convent is run by the nun Eileen (Cate Blanchett), who has worked hard to make it a loving refuge away from the world and away from war - and she will do anything to keep it that way. She is very protective of her small group of boys. With his large, contemplative eyes and a seraphic tuft of golden hair, the newcomer is soon known as the "Golden" New Boy. He speaks no English and no one knows where he is from. He has so far led a nomadic tribal life, with no idea of Western norms.

New Boy picks things up quickly and quickly understands the pecking order and how to make it work. His survival instinct is keen, his intelligence deft, and he seems to have special powers that he uses both for healing and for his own amusement. However, the boy's native spiritual life and mysterious powers do not fit with the orderly Christianity of the mission. At one point, an extraordinary religious treasure is sent to this remote place to protect it from the ravages of war in France. It is a life-size sculpture of Christ on the cross. When New Boy first sees this sculpture, he is nailed to the ground. His reaction to it is disturbing. Sister Eileen must choose between the traditions of her faith and the truth embodied in the boy.
