A blood-curdling musical love thriller

When a couple moves into a new house, their neighbors, after unsuccessful attempts to make contact with the new residents, soon sense that something is not quite right. But what really lurks behind the front door of House G. is more dangerous, complicated and explosive than they thought possible.

What causes lovers to become and remain entangled in an insidious web of destructive behavior patterns? What role does the outside world play? As a bystander, when do you intervene? What happens when no one has taught you how to love another and when no one has taught you what boundaries are?

Such questions were the starting point for a confrontational musical love drama featuring dancer Laurent Delom de Mézerac and actress Dagmar Slagmolen, to a soundscape by seasoned improvisers Remco Menting and Oene van Geel.


  • Saturday, September 28, 2024 8:30 - 9:45 p.m.


  • Payment options: PIN, Online

