JOHAN is back. After a time-out, during which a lot - and also nothing - happened, the indie power pop band returns, with a new album in its wake. 'The Great Vacation' is its name and was released in early 2024.
'The Great Vacation' is JOHAN's most adventurous album to date. Thirteen brand new songs nestle effortlessly between classics like'Pergola,''Tumble and Fall,''Oceans' and'About Time.' The record came about at a time when everything was at a standstill. A ged...

JOHAN is back. After a time-out, during which a lot - and also nothing - happened, the indie power pop band returns, with a new album in its wake. 'The Great Vacation' is its name and was released in early 2024.
'The Great Vacation' is JOHAN's most adventurous album to date. Thirteen brand new songs nestle effortlessly between classics like'Pergola,''Tumble and Fall,''Oceans' and'About Time.' The album came about during a period when everything was at a standstill. A forced break that interrupted daily life, but ended up being a bigger drag than the life we knew before. "You long for something new, a different point of view," frontman Jacob de Greeuw sings about it. Nothing is more comforting than beauty born of sadness. Let the "Best Singers" hear one of JOHAN's songs and I'd like to see who cries last. Jacob de Greeuw knows time and again how to transform great suffering into the most beautiful songs. Johan's frontman thus deals in timeless pop music and after five albums belongs to the canon of Dutch rock. An album by JOHAN is reminiscent of the last bus home. Just when you no longer expect it, it comes. And how good it feels to be on it.Physical tickets are on sale at Velvet Music Amersfoort



  • Presale € 29,25
