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Smart Telescopes Course


Sterrenwacht Midden-Nederland
Schothorsterlaan 27
3822 NA Amersfoort
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Smart telescopes (smart telescopes) are compact, portable and automatic telescopes. They excel in finding and keeping celestial objects in focus with great accuracy. In addition, they are particularly bright. They perform very well in light-polluted areas. Their image is not visible in an eyepiece but on the screen of a tablet or smartphone to which they connect wirelessly. The image builds up gradually as the telescope camera takes a series of pictures and "stacks" them on top of each other ("live-stacking"). The recording result is immediately available and can easily be shared digitally and post-processed later. This achieves a much higher magnitude limit than is possible with visual observation with traditional telescopes. With a smart telescope, the cosmos literally opens up before you! See more at: Breakthrough smart telescopes: closer to the cosmos - Sterrenwacht Midden-Nederland (


Smart telescopes (smart telescopes) are compact, portable and automatic telescopes. They excel in finding and keeping celestial objects in view with great accuracy. In addition, they are particularly bright. They perform very well in light-polluted areas. Their image is not visible in an eyepiece but on the screen of a tablet or smartphone to which they connect wirelessly. The image builds up gradually as the telescope camera takes a series of pictures and "stacks" them on top of each other ("live-stacking"). The recording result is immediately available and can easily be shared digitally and post-processed later. This achieves a much higher magnitude limit than is possible with visual observation with traditional telescopes. With a smart telescope, the cosmos literally opens up before you! See more at: Breakthrough smart telescopes: closer to the cosmos - Sterrenwacht Midden-Nederland (

The first Smart Telescopes course this spring was fully booked within days.
Therefore, by popular demand, there will be a repeat soon: on September 18 and 25.

The program is as follows:
On September 18, 2024:
Brief introduction round and interests of the participants
Features a capabilities of the smart telescopes
Operation, experiences and presentation of results with some current types of smart telescopes
If the weather is kind to us: live demo of smart telescopes!
On September 25, 2024:
Brief review of the first course evening
Possibilities for image processing of the photo results on the computer, also with the RAW images (with the possibility of stacking the images themselves, also from multiple observing evenings). Post-processing will lead to even further improvement of the results.
A relatively easy stepping stone into the world of astrophotography!
Brief discussion of the various programs in this field.
In the coming period, one or more smart telescopes will be available on the planned viewing evenings to see this new phenomenon at work!
When : Wednesday 18 and 25 September.
Where : Observatory Central Netherlands, Schothorsterlaan 27, Amersfoort
Time: 20:00 - 22:00 hrs.
Price: Free for members. Non-members pay 20,- euro.


  • € 20,00
