Do you like good (lots of) food, smart songs, dancing, cocktails and beer? At the Appelmarkt and Groenmarkt, sing-alongs reverberate across the square, beer is toasted, portions are nice and big, drinks boards are generous and pub quizes are legendary.

Music Cafe Pitchers

DJs, singer-songwriters and bands who will show you their brand new repertoire. Music Cafe Pitchers is the place to be for music lovers. And while the musicians jam and the DJs spin records, you enjoy the music, a snack and a drink.

Fat Dirck

Dikke Dirck has implemented Burgundian living from head to toe. With crackling fires, an over the top interior, dishes like cue boards and hefty portions. You really won't be short of anything here. You'll be feasting, gorging and belching.

Beer Cafe The Fat King

With more than 400 beers on the beer menu, beer connoisseurs can indulge themselves at De Dikke Koning. And of course you will also find Amersfoort gold on the menu. Want to lay a foundation in between? Together with pleingenoot Pannenkoekenhuys Den Potsenmaeker, a delicious pancake is provided.


The place to be in Amersfoort for 25-plussers with moves. Get carried away by nice lounge music or rock all the 80' and 90' hits. And ... singing along with power ballads is a must. You can dance on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Above the Linde

Out partying? But don't want to go home yet? At the inn Boven de Linde you can stay overnight in our cozy keistad. Tip: test your knowledge in the accompanying café during the pub quiz!


For your much-needed coffee fix after a weekend of partying, head to Livingstone. Here you can relax with a good book or podcast. And perhaps the best coffee in Amersfoort.

Anyone paying attention while wandering around Apple and Groenmarkt has already seen it. It is bursting with historic buildings. In addition to these ancient monuments, there are also invisible archaeological treasures. Read more about them here.

List of all restaurants and cafes near the green and apple market