Do you like varied activities, with small discoveries and tasty snacks and drinks? Then the Mondrian 150 bike route is right up your alley! With a mix of history, nature and local partners, you'll pass locations that pamper the inner man. The 20-kilometer round trip also showcases Amersfoort's creativity. Then to dream away at a dune and tree landscape with colorful artworks of bicycle route "De Style". Where do we start this route? At the Mondrian House, of course! Will you bike with us?

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Time to go cycling

On a sunny, breezy day, Imke van de Venne of WOOD you reCYCLE gets on her ancient Dutch Gazelle to cycle in the footsteps of Mondrian. She starts with an intense dose of Mondrian art and facts at the Mondrian House. Cubism, "De Style" art movement, clean lines and primary colors ... That's what the world knows Mondrian by.

However, he began his career as a landscape painter, so a beautiful landscape is not missing from this artful bicycle route. Various themes pass in review. The bike route is suitable for anyone with an average level of fitness (or e-bike). The climb on the Aletta Jacobslaan, at the end of the route is a tough one. The rest of the route is flat.

Local delicacies

Delicacies make many people happy. The route therefore includes stops to pamper the inner man. How about a dose of creamy chocolate from Dr. Chocolate? Literally refueling at the old gas station IJs van Vitelli where you can recharge with artisanal ice cream?

rock city fietsroute mondriaan 150

A stop at our modern pioneers in the brewing world of beer; Rock City Brewing. A full-bodied red wine at Sister Margaux? Or go for an expanded lunch at the Berghotel? In short: plenty of goodies on the itinerary.

Art to watch and experience

Along the way, you pass several museums and less obvious urban arts. While the Mondrian House, Kunsthal KAdE and 033fotostad in the Rietveld Pavilion are now well-known modern meeting places for the art lover, the more playful resident of the city can also enjoy urban artworks.

Works like the steel Taurus, a painting by up-and-coming artist Bram Ravenhorst and the pillars in the city and nature of bicycle route De Style are incorporated in this 20 km long bicycle route. Artist Cornelis Bos has also presented some beauty in his window. Stroll past that along the Eem after you've scored an ice cream.

Would you like to get creative yourself? Then stop by ceramics studioZAND, Letterpers ' authentic printing shop and their City Workshop or the Cotton Printing Shop in the Volmolen.


Considering Pieter Cornelis (Piet) Mondrian was born 150 years ago on March 7, 1872, you can't ignore the historical side of this story. Walking along the car-free Korte gracht, you imagine yourself in the past. With its romantic canal and centuries-old houses with narrow streets. Amersfoort is bursting with romantic vistas and coziness.

The statelySint-Joriskerk, century-old market squares and cafes, which also used to feature music and beer. Mondrian loved Jazz music. Let Miles on Hof, now be one of those cozy Jazz cafes, where Mondrian in his time might also have enjoyed. Now you can dream away to the sounds of bass, piano and wind instruments. Mondrian lived his first eight years of life in Amersfoort, where he inherited his father's love of drawing and art from an early age.


One of the themes in Mondrian's older works were landscapes and vistas. Trees swaying in the wind, calves grazing in the meadow, or hilly landscapes with idyllic villages that he captured during his periods abroad.

To escape the hustle and bustle of the city, seek out nature. The beautiful forests and dunes west of the city. Here you can unwind in the silence of nature. Enjoy this round of exercise and relaxation.

Follow the Mondrian 150 bicycle route

Visit all of the Mondrian 150 partners located on or along this bike route:

Mondrian House (Kortegracht 11) 1.

Dr. Chocolate (Mooierstraat 8, on foot) 2.

Café Miles (Jazz , Hof 25) 3.

4. Sint-Joriskerk (Hof 1)

5. De Stier (at the traffic circle at the end of Kamp)

6. De Katoendrukkerij Volmolen (Plantsoen Noord 2)

Kunsthal KAdE (Eemplein 77) 7.

8. studioZAND (Oude Fabriekstraat 21)

Letterpers city studio (Oude Fabriekstraat 18) 9.

Vitelli's Ice Cream (Kwekersweg 7) 10.

Cornelis Bos (Grote Koppel 15) 11.

Broodplaats Oostwest / painting Bram Ravenhorst (Geldersestraat 524) 12.

Rock City Brewing (Mining Road 15) 13.

Forest path short dunes (piece of nature starts at Utrechts Landschap next to Amersfoort Mixed Hockey Club and Bosbad Amersfoort) 14.

Artwork Utopia De Style bicycle route (De Birkt, Monnikenboschweg) 15.

Artwork Horseshoe De Style bicycle route (opposite Cavalry Museum Barchman Wuytierslaan 198) 16.

Berghotel (Utrechtseweg 225) 17.

Artwork Chogokin De Style bicycle route (Barchman Wuytierslaan 26-28 next to NS station Amersfoort CS) 18.

Rietveld Pavilion (Zonnehof 8) 19.

Sister Margaux (Little Hague 2) 20.

Mondrian House (back at start) 21.