Despite the lockdown, there is plenty (coronaproof) to do in downtown Amersfoort. For example, did you know that you can find works of art outdoors? Get some fresh air while discovering beautiful creations in the historic center of our city. It's time for yourRound of Art & Movement!

All about the hiking trail

qr-code scannen man amersfoort wandelroute
Time for Your Round of Art & Movement is a playful, interactive walk for the whole family. To follow the route, you'll need the online walking map or printable version. You can download these for free here.

Get a fun walking companion, hold map in hand and walk past 41 locations with cool artworks. At the participating locations hang QR codes. You can scan these codes with your phone. This way you can learn everything about the artists and their work(s). Good to know: you are about 45 to 60 minutes (3 km, 6500 steps) on the way.

Ready to go ... go!

kroast amersfoort restaurant
Your hiking adventure begins at KROAST. This is the first location on the route. The all-day café and restaurant is located in the former industrial area 'De Nieuwe Stad'. They have a cake and biscuit stall, where you can get something nice for the road. If you have everything else with you, remember your hiking boots, hiking map and phone with QR code scanner, then it's time to start the hike.

Bright Amersfoort window displays

rondje kunst eend graffitiThe beauty of the route is that it connects local entrepreneurs. You can take a peek inside at various catering establishments and feast your eyes. For example, Livingstone has an insane mural, the Eemcafé has a bold painting by Per Expressie and you can enjoy photography at Halewijn.

Special proverbs and poems

gedicht op muur amersfoort
I was born and raised in Amersfoort. Yet I must honestly confess to you, I did not know that there are so many poems in Amersfoort. All over the city you can find poetry in special places. During the tour you come across (almost) all of them. Personally, I find the word artwork OM ARM ME by City Poet Jacques de Waart very impressive. For each word he has written a separate poem. Via the QR code you can read these poems at your leisure.

Dazzling outdoor creations

de nieuwe stad kunstwerk amersfoort
You can find the artworks not only in shop windows, but also just outdoors. How cool is that! I regularly cycle past De Nieuwe Stad and know that there are distinct works of art here. During the walking route you will be much more aware of this. For example, did you know that these artworks were created by the famous artist trio ATM Model Art? And that this was conceived in collaboration with Into the Woods (my favorite festival)? All this information makes you look at Amersfoort art from a different angle and get inspired.

You can also admire an outdoor artwork at Hof, namely Anders Wolhar's luminous virus particle. Opinions about the sculpture vary widely. Some think it is beautiful, others think it is "terrible. I think it's an inspiring piece, because a work of art that evokes so many reactions ... that's what art is supposed to do!

Go out on your own

wandelende mensen muurhuizen amersfoort
Enough written about the Round Art & Movement. I definitely recommend you to follow this walking route as well. Whether you want to do it on the weekend or during your lunch break at work: it's all possible! Will you let me know how your experience was? Have fun walking!

Don't feel like scrolling up?Hereyou can view the walking route.