High on the list of the perfect girlfriends getaway is of course an afternoon of pampering and pampering together. In the middle of downtown Amersfoort you can experience that luxurious spa feeling at Het Koetshuys. Here various entrepreneurs have independently and yet together brought together all their knowledge about wellness. A place where you are put first and completely pampered. And I, lucky me, got to try it out.

As soon as I enter this beautiful national monument, I experience the luxury spa feeling. The reception area radiates beauty and serenity. I immediately feel that relaxing here will be easy for me. Very subtly, the most delicious fragrances approach me. Together under one roof you will find: skin care, massage, yoga and meditation classes, classical homeopathy, pedicure and even a tattoo studio. For the ultimate spa feeling, a bathrobe and a pair of fluffy slippers are waiting for me in a separate room.

A relaxed beginning

het koetshuys amersfoort

I start with a massage from Steve Lomas, who flawlessly senses where the tension has gathered after all that work behind the laptop. Quietly building up and using a fragrant warm oil, all tension is relieved. What a blissful start to this evening. Steve uses different techniques during his massages. Like me, you can choose a relaxation massage. But there is also headache massage, massage for burnout, connective tissue massage, a reiki treatment, Indian head massage, a holistic energetic massage and much more. To be experienced separately or combined together to suit you.

A peachy skin

het koetshuys amersfoortThen it's time for a facial with Christel Elbertse of Naturally Beautiful. The treatment begins with a fragrant foot bath, which helps to get into a relaxed mood already. Then my hair is smoothed out and fragrant compresses follow. A big plus is that Christel only works with natural skin care products. Pretty important because your skin is your largest organ. After the compresses, my skin is pampered with cleansing and caring masks and intensive care with special ampoules. The brush massage that follows -my first ever- promotes the flow of lymph, drains waste products and strengthens the immune system. Above all, I find it very soothing. After the treatment, my skin feels peachy soft.

From head to toe zen

To complete this relaxing evening, I get to join the group class at Yogacentrum Amersfoort. Fun trivia: The yoga center was once, some 50 years ago, the first provider of yoga classes in Amersfoort. Under the guidance of teacher Theo Snijders, we start with a breathing exercise. Focusing on my breathing, slowing it down and consciously experiencing my body feels good right away. Actually, I am someone whose head is always full of thoughts and nice plans. Yet here my thoughts come to a halt and I stay in the here and now. My eternal mental to-do lists disappear into the background. As does the world around me for that matter. The class flies by and when we finish with a cup of tea I am completely zen from head to toe.

You shine!

het koetshuys amersfoort

When I cycle home through the quiet streets in the evening, I feel completely pampered. Before I go to sleep, I look in the mirror and see a relaxed look and radiant skin. The next day, even my husband notices my radiance. A spa experience in the middle of our beautiful downtown Amersfoort: I say do it!

Book a package here with your bestie. Fully coronaproof you will be pampered and pampered together during a day package or beauty and harmony session. On Saturdays you can walk into Het Koetshuys for personal beauty advice. Also keep an eye on the website for the inspiring lectures, courses and workshops that are organized on a regular basis. Fun and interesting to attend with a friend.

This article is a collaboration with Het Koetshuys in Amersfoort. Do you also know something local and unique that everyone should know about? Then send an email to citymarketing@amersfoort.nl.