Taking a day trip to the zoo. That makes everyone happy, doesn't it? Especially if you go to The Amersfoort Zoo, because there you walk anything but neatly along the visitors' paths. In the park, in addition to watching all those super cute animals, you can actually go exploring. Stand face to face with the prairie dogs, climb above the bears and go back in time in the dino park. In this blog I explain why you should visit The Amersfoort Zoo!

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Animals, animals and more animals

The Amersfoort Zoo schildpadden
Huh, are there animals in The Amersfoort Zoo? Yes there really are. You will encounter the most diverse animal species here, spread over different areas. Each area you can admire in a different way. My favorite is the Giant Realm. This is because I am absolutely crazy about elephants. From the stands you can see these giants extra well.

What makes The Amersfoort Zoo so special to me is that there is a lot of information about the animals. And not in the usual way! Besides the signs at the animal residents' enclosures, you can watch YouTube videos while walking through the park. The chilling thing about that is that you get explanations from one of the animal keepers. That's how I found out if zebras are white with black stripes, or the other way around.... ;-)

Have a chat with the animal caretaker(s)

The Amersfoort Zoo deur dierverzorgers
During our visit to the park, we ran into animal caretaker Marc Belt. I was under the impression that animal keepers all take care of their own species. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are responsible for several animals in the park and can tell you all about them.

It is wonderful to see that the animal residents have developed such a good relationship with the keepers. Guest blogger Ilse, who wandered through the park with me, had never seen a badger before. Somehow they always try to hide when she passes by, but not this time! The badger was so happy that Marc walked past his enclosure that he immediately emerged. For us, a moment never to forget.

Awhhhhh... newborn animals

The Amersfoort Zoo pasgeboren stokstaartjes
As we walked through the park, we came across many newborn animals. Gold pheasants, elephants, lions, meerkats and you name it. So cute. The white-tailed stickleback pigs also had a hatchling. Did you know that these are born with soft hairs and they gradually turn into spines?

Unfortunately, births do not always go well. For example, the zoo had the young wolves put to sleep. That too, unfortunately, is part of the deal. Fortunately, there was also good news: the snowy owls are (most likely) having little ones. So I will definitely be back.

* The hatchlings are growing fast. Still want to see them in miniature? Then plan your visit soon.

Quite an experience

The Amersfoort Zoo dinobos en aapI'm "a little" too old for the playground at The Amersfoort Zoo, yet there are other cool things for people my age (25) to experience at the park. You can spot the animals from the water, walk through underground tunnels and take a look at a mysterious dungeon.

In the summer months, the park is open longer and you can relax on the beach, paddle in the Forest Brook and listen to summer music. Tip: there is a Silent Disco. Cool, who will you dance with?

Time for a break

The Amersfoort Zoo terrassen restaurantFrom personal experience, I can tell you: after all that walking, you get hungry. Fortunately, there is plenty of room to relax and have a bite to eat. The terrace is really tastefully decorated and gives a chile summer vibe. It made me feel totally zen!

Let's go!

If you can't wait to visit The Amersfoort Zoo, order your ticket(s ) quickly through the website. Don't forget to book before your visit - will I see you there?


Will you stop by? - Combine the zoo with a weekend in Amersfoort