Do you like to wear something different from the crowd? Are you always looking for unique items that not everyone already has in their closet? Then the Krommestraat is for you. In this cute little street you will find local stores in authentic buildings. Need advice? The entrepreneurs still really take the time for you. At these nice stores you will put yourself from head to toe in a new outfit.


From hip streetwear to that one eye-catching dress, Roots has a surprising assortment that is just a bit different from the clothes you find in chains. The brands are contemporary, edgy and sexy. Men can also go here for a casual chic look. Sneaker fan? Going in and leaving empty-handed is virtually impossible.

Las Lunas

At Las Lunas, the personal shopping experience is paramount; the coffee is waiting for you. With brands from Ibiza, Denmark, Italy, London and L.A. you are assured of unique items. Whether you are looking for an eyecatcher for that one party, great jacket or pieces to give your daily outfit some more oempf . You're sure to find it here.


Krommestraat - Winkels - Little Shop Of Colours
'Life is too short to wear boring clothes,' is the motto of The Little Shop of Colours, and if you walk into this cute little boutique, you will immediately understand what they mean by that. Everywhere you see colorful dresses with beautiful prints. Shoes, hats, bags, pins, jewelry and fluffy petticoats. They have every accessory imaginable. Besides clothes, they also have great gadgets to brighten up your home.

Tip: Need to rest your legs halfway through your shopping trip? Take a seat in a boat of Waterlijn Amersfoort and get carried away by the canals and beautiful stories about the city.

Tara Buddha

Are you looking for insight cards full of wisdom, a gemstone suited to your personality, a new yoga mat or inspirational books? At Tara Buddha, you'll find all this and more. Keep in mind that you may come across things you never knew you needed in your life. The window crystals, for example, are truly beautiful. You hang them in front of your window (duh!) and once the sun shines through them, the crystal projects little rainbows on your ceiling and walls.

Velvet Music Store

Music lovers really shouldn't skip Velvet Music Store. You'll find vinyl (new and used) in all genres, as well as CDs. What could be better than spending an hour browsing and then finding that one long-sought record. Don't feel like searching? The expert staff will be happy to help you.

In addition to clothes and other conquered gems, take home some tasty treats! At Corazon Bakery get freshly baked breads and sweets.