Fancy a tour of art in Amersfoort? Make it a tour! From historical gems to contemporary eye-catchers, from enchanting paintings to gigantic structures. Amersfoort art expert Adinda van Wely points them all out.

'Art is everywhere. That's what makes Amersfoort magical'

Boom! She recalls the moment in an instant. A young Adinda stands face to face with "Woman with Parasol" in Paris. "That Monet painting touched me so much that I thought: maybe art is the path for me," Adinda says. The art path turned out to be the right route. Currently, the Amersfoort native works at the Department of Cultural Heritage. She is also one of the founders of Blauwdruk, an initiative that provides a platform for local artist talent. Today, Adinda is our guide!

Adinda at Museum Flehite & the Koppelpoort

Best. Guide. Ever!

Before leaving, this: "The most difficult question is: what is art? In any case, it always has to do with human intervention. Although, elephants these days can also paint wonderfully. For me, art is something made with the conscious purpose of producing wonder. The outcome can inspire and amaze. You learn from it either way, even if you don't like it."


Mike Bink PhotographyKunsthal KAdE by Mike Bink Photography

First stop on the Adinda Art Tour™: Kunsthal KAdE on Eemplein. "Every three months there is an exhibition here with artworks on loan. The subjects are very diverse. Their exhibits have guts and dare to be both critical and aesthetic."

While we're near the creative center, take a peek inside the ATMosphere and Art House Glue workshops. "Very cool to get a peek behind the scenes. At other locations, works are finished, but here it's still raw and rough," says Adinda.


On to the center, through the Koppelpoort to Museum Flehite. "A historical museum with its own collection. Here hangs the painting 'View of Amersfoort' by Matthias Withoos. That's pretty much the Night Watch of our city, grand and impressive."

Adinda in the elbow church at the exhibition BAKSTEEN | BRICK

Just steps away, we find a pop-up expo in the Elbow Church. Adinda: "This space lends itself to very high artworks. When music is played here, you can hear it reverberate wonderfully."

Pete & Gerrit

The Mondrian House

After crossing downtown, we arrive at the Mondrian House. Adinda: "You travel through Mondrian's art styles and life here, but they also look beyond the artist. The museum links the present with the past."

The last stop: the Rietveld Pavilion at Zonnehof. Top tip from Adinda: "Don't forget to look up along the way. The architecture in Amersfoort is just as interesting as the art! Speaking of which, the Rietveld Pavilion was designed by architect Gerrit Rietveld in 1959. Now it is the home of 033photostad. Chances are there's an expo when you walk by. And if there's nothing there, walk around the building!"