Monday, Jan. 17, is Blue Monday. A day known as the most gloomy day of the year. But make a few preparations, and you won't necessarily notice. How to take care of that? I gathered 12 local tips to get through this gloomy day.

Chocolate is cheaper than therapy

Vlag dr chocolate
The answer to just about everything is, of course; chocolate! It creates instant happiness and is fabulously delicious. Especially on gloomy days. Luckily we have some good places in Amersfoort where you can score this brown goodness. Like at Van Gent and Dr. Chocolate!

Retail therapy session

Pamper yourself (or someone else, because giving is good) with a little something. Something beautiful for your home, a nice book or something delicious. If you buy your gift through ShopAmersfoort, you will also make up for the Blue Monday of an Amersfoort local. I say win-win!

Go outside

NAtuur Amersfoort

Taking a few deep breaths with your head in the wind relaxes tremendously. Seeing and smelling nature creates a positive feeling. In our beautiful region, we are fortunate to be blessed with no less than 5 different types of landscapes. Whether you like walking in the woods, the moors or along the waterfront, Amersfoort has it all! So put on that coat, put on your hat and let Blue Monday blow over.

Feelgood food

Enjoying heavenly food without spending a few hours in the kitchen is the perfect gift on stupid days. Order your favorite feel-good dish and be filled with the love our locals put into their delectable food. Here's a handy list to choose from.


Write down everything you are grateful for or happy about. This helps put things in perspective and puts your focus on all the good things. Scribble it down in a nice notebook from Paper on the Rocks, for example, so you can read it back later. Plus point: these notebooks are made from upcycled stone waste and contain tree-free paper.

Liquid joy

2 men getting coffee

Warm yourself from the inside out with a hot drink. Let the endorphins flow richly with chocolate milk or opt for a nice cup of coffee from our Amersfoort coffee bucket list. What also works well is a pot of herbal tea. Ingredients that will get you excited are; rooibos, mint, cinnamon, fennel, orange and ginger. Or go for soothing ingredients such as valerian, St. John's wort, chamomile, lavender and lemon balm. At local Herb-Roer-Me-Not, you can order many kinds of herbal teas online.

Merry bathing

Whether you have a shower or a bath, just rinsing off everything works perfectly. To increase the atmosphere, of course you choose pleasant bathing stuff. After all, scents have an enormous influence on your mood. Citrus fruits, vanilla, cinnamon, jasmine and lavender are known to make you happier. At Brows & Bubbles you will find brightly colored soaps, fragrant shower butters and glittery bath balls to brighten up your Blue Monday.

Lose yourself in a beautiful book

Woman reading a book

Did you know that Library Eemland is open as a pickup library for members who reserve books? Prefer not to go out? You can listen or read wonderful books through the listening library. And that's great because before you know it you find yourself in a whole other world and forget everything around you. Do you like to read books written about or by Amersfoorters? Then check out this list.

Score the perfect outfit

We can't dance or stroll around town just yet, but you can score the perfect outfit in advance so you'll be ready when the time comes. After all, looking forward to something immediately makes you feel happy. At these boutiques in Amerfoort you can now order all this beauty online.

Cleanse your home, heart and soul

Cleansing your home or aura; whether it really works doesn't really matter. What matters is whether you believe in it. At spiritual store Tara Buddha, you can order various products that raise the mood and remove negativity. Think of white sage to cleanse your house with, a house spray with uplifting essential oils, objects that bring good luck or gemstones and Himalayan salt lamps to get nice and zen again. If it doesn't help, it doesn't hurt. Right?

Dreaming away at a fine movie night

schaaltje popcorn
Got Netflix all out? Take a look at Picl, where you'll find unique art house films you won't easily find on other streaming services. And if you choose theater De Lieve Vrouw when ordering, you also support a local. Feels good, right?

Raise the glass

To go with that movie, of course you arrange a delicious cocktail plate (take a look here for inspiration), we are burgundians in Amersfoort. Then raise your glass to the blissful realization that this Blue Monday is almost over!