Photography is a huge passion of mine and I often go out to express that passion. This is actually always done outdoors and especially in and around Amersfoort.

In recent weeks that world has changed and we expect to keep our distance from each other. Similarly in my branch of photography, I am currently trying to be careful with this and move outside to inside. The coronavirus affects us all and it is up to us how we fill it in. In any case, I am going for a positive approach and I think we should all do this!

So now I find myself more often inside with my camera and looking for a piece of creativity in a small space. From my workspace where I edit photos, to that lovely spot in the garden. I believe that if you look closely and think outside the box, you are going to be tremendously creative.

The maybe big picture in your head has to start moving to a few square feet. That can be very tricky but with daylight and good empathy you are going to come a long way! Small objects in your home can start to play a big role in your composition. A maybe not so important object can become important, it's up to you how you portray it.

Use the dining table and convert it into a studio. Make sure you use daylight that falls in through a window, this will create a natural look. Experiment with a self-portrait by using your camera's timer. Step out into the garden and look for the little details you overlooked before!

Maybe the space you live in this period doesn't seem so exciting. And walls seem to be closing in on you and your camera is gathering dust. You might not say it but the small world we are in right now is bursting with beauty! Take the time to "learn" to look and move your wide view to a narrow space. Grab your camera and transform your home or garden into a studio! Have fun!

7 tips for home photography

1. Self-Portrait

Thuisfotografie zelfportret
Sit comfortably at the dining room table and place your camera on a stack of books. Use daylight falling in and set your camera on a five-second timer ... done!

2. Game controller

Thuisfotografie controller
Just about everyone has a game console at home right? Isolate the controller well from the background so you are looking directly at the subject. Use natural daylight so you create shadow in the photo.

3. Rain drops

Thuisfotografie regendrupels
In the evening still just enough light outside? Spray any window and shoot from the inside out. The droplets will be illuminated by the last bit of daylight and you will have a beautiful picture!


Thuisfotografie oordopjes
Use a simple product that stands out in a dark room and make sure to decorate with accessories. Curtains closed and lamp on the ceiling may be turned on ... you have your own studio set up in minutes!

5. Pet

Thuisfotografie huisdier konijn
Cat, dog or rabbit at home? Get a curious pet by standing behind the window. Print at a low aperture so only the snout is in focus, it completely isolates your pet from its surroundings so you can't stop looking!

6. Cut-off saw

Thuisfotografie zaag
Chores at home? Definitely do it! Don't forget to bring your camera and put together an exciting backdrop. Can everyone see that you are hard at work and have an eye for detail!

7. Garden

Thuisfotografie tuin
Do you own a garden where you totally relax? Grab that camera and use a wide-angle lens, that way your garden will optically appear much larger! Provide a blurred foreground. This creates more depth in the picture and gives even more atmosphere.