Looking for tasty Saint's snacks to enjoy during Saint's Day? Look no further! Blogger Lysanne has listed a few for you. Keep December 5 coming!

Saint Cake

Complete your gift night with a Sinterklaas cake from Anna's Smaakatelier. On the website you can find more information about these two delicious cakes. You can place your order online until Tuesday, November 30.

Hop hop hop hop

At beer store Hop, they have beers in all smells and colors. Especially for the Sinterklaas celebration, they have sourced a Tripel Trappel from Belgium. A must for lovers of spicy tripels. Sales are going fast, so be quick!

Peanut butter

At the Peanut Butter Shop, they sell Peanut Butter. A hefty tongue twister. This temporary flavor is a perfect gift for a true peanut butter lover. Want to sample this limited edition? Stop by the Peanut Butter Shop on Langestraat this week!


Are you looking for peppernuts with a special flavor, such as sour mats, crème brûlee, strawberry, apple pie or tiramisu. They have it all at Pepernuts Holland. At this temporary store on Langestraat, they have more than 50 different flavors, including gluten- and lactose-free!

Can't choose? At Pepernuts Holland, they sell tastings with multiple flavors in one package. They also have gingerbread beer, gingerbread granola and much more. That's well worth a visit!

Chocolate letters from Gula

Gula Delicatessen has beautifully decorated hand-sprayed letters from their bonbon maker. These delicious letters are available in milk and dark chocolate. They are hand piped and then decorated with different nuts and a marzipan rose.

Unfortunately the letters are not available vegan, because they are hand-poured with cream in the dark, milk and white chocolate letters. Wondering what vegan Saint options Gula Delicatessen does have contact us or stop by the store! ;)