They are not only incredibly beautiful to look at, but also pleasant for the climate and nature; I am talking about facade gardens. And the historic center of Amersfoort is bursting with them.

Photography: Sinie van de Weijer

Stone out plant in

That I am not exaggerating is demonstrated by these figures; during the last Gable Garden Day, no less than 75 gardens were laid out and refurbished, plus some 6000 clinkers removed. Add to that the fact that there were already a lot of façade gardens in the city center, and you can see that Amersfoort is bustling with green life. While walking through the city you will come across a lot of houses with flowers in front of the door.

Small gardens with big ambitions

Façade gardens Amersfoort front door with beautiful flowers

Although they are actually only miniature gardens, every square meter of stone replaced with greenery really makes a difference. How does that work? Through a façade garden, water can sink into the soil better, you increase the habitat of insects and soil creatures, the temperature is lowered thanks to the greenery and particulate matter is reduced. People also feel happier in a green environment. Quite an achievement for such a small garden!

The most beautiful street in Amersfoort

You see the facade gardens throughout the center, but the largest concentration can be found on the monumental Muurhuizen. A well-known hotspot for tourists and perhaps the most beautiful street in Amersfoort. While walking you will come across the colorful hollyhock, malva, ironwort, climbing rose, hydrangea, wisteria, clematis and butterfly bush, among others. The gardens are laid out in the ground, but also many in pots which looks extra cozy.

Façade garden walk

Facade gardens Amersfoort 2

Want to come admire the façade gardens at Muurhuizen? Start your walk at museum Flehite and walk from there in the direction of Muurhuizen. On the corner of Muurhuizen and Nieuweweg at the Ketelaarsbrug you will find the first façade garden. A true flower spectacle!

Then walk Muurhuizen out to Museum Mondrian and don't forget to take a good look around on the way. Because not only the colorful flowers are cool to capture. You will also find many unique details such as ornaments and shutters on this street. The crooked road provides vanishing points and there are interesting vistas on the Zuidsingel. In short; the perfect place for photos and selfies.

After your walk, settle down on one of the many terraces for a delectable lunch, cocktail or cold beer.

Create your own facade garden

Facade gardens Amersfoort

Inspired by the facade gardens at Muurhuizen, I went to work at home. I rocked out a stone and planted a malva. Next to it I placed a rack with a pot of lavender and one with some catnip. We already had a soft yellow climbing rose next to the door and together with these new bloomers it has become a cozy and bright spot.

Our neighbors are excited about our teeny-tiny little garden and are thoroughly enjoying it, and I too get happy every day when I walk by. Are you also inspired and would you like to install a facade garden? Check with the municipality what the conditions are for your street.

Tip: Are you fond of photography? Then walk this photo route that also runs through Muurhuizen.